Quick Hits: Grantee Perspective

In between talking with exhibitors at the Idea Exchange, make time for one or more Quick Hits. These 45-minute sessions cover a variety of funding areas: arts & culture, early childhood education, environment, equity & inclusion, grantee perspective, housing, public health, and workforce.

A lot of attention these days is being directed at how foundations can help to navigate and lessen the power dynamics between grantmakers and grantees. As grantmakers, it can be easy for us to forget what it’s like to be on the other side of the table—to be asking for funds. In this panel-style discussion, you’ll hear honest feedback from nonprofit leaders about what it’s like to work with funders. They’ll answer questions like: What are the specific hallmarks of a great relationship with a funder? Have grantees seen a shift in the power dynamics? What frustrates grantees most? What do grantmakers do that grantees love... or hate? We’ll also save time for dialogue, so bring your questions!

Date & Time: 
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 -
2:45pm to 3:30pm EDT
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