Shafer Leadership Academy | Fusion (continued)

Mitch Isaacs of Shafer Leadership Academy will lead the group through FUSION: Leading Multi-Generational Teams 

About the Program

Fusion: Leading Multi-Generational Teams is a hands-on journey to a better understanding of generational differences. 

  • An appreciation of each of the major generational groups active in the workplace today
  • An overview of the challenges and opportunities multi-generational teams present
  • Insights regarding the world views, needs, and skill sets of various generations
  • An understanding of how to facilitate effective collaboration among multi-generational group members

Using our innovative, and proprietary, Generational Game Board, participants will explore the various social, political, and economic influences that shaped the working attitudes of the Greatest Generation, Baby Boomers, Genereational X, Millennials and now Generation Z.  Our game creates interesting, and informative, conversation among participants from various generations.

This workshop will equip participants to be more effective commuicators and leaders through understanding the various generations in the workplace today.

Date & Time: 
Monday, August 8, 2022 -
1:30pm to 3:00pm EDT
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