Growing Nonprofit Capacity: From Grassroots to Legacy Organizations

Community-based organizations are champions of, and problem solvers for, their communities. They bridge gaps, tackle big issues, and meet people where they are, all while juggling the challenges of fundraising, talent recruitment and retention, board engagement, and long-term impact. 

As the demands for social and systemic change persist, inequities expand, and the social sector is expected to have answers, how can an organization successfully evolve from a grassroots startup nonprofit to a legacy organization? What tools and resources are available to build nonprofit capacity locally and nationally, and what role can philanthropy play to ensure the nonprofit infrastructure is equipped to meet tomorrow’s challenges today? Join this peer-learning session as we explore trends and challenges in nonprofit capacity building, identify needs locally and nationally, uplift low-barrier tools and resources to support nonprofit effectiveness, and leverage insights directly from local capacity builders (Candid’s Funding Information Network Partners, Community Foundations, and Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network).

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about state-wide collaborative efforts to strengthen the systems and tools to support nonprofits, and Candid’s national Funding Information Network dedicated to effectively building nonprofit capacity.
  • Understand how nonprofit data is centralized, structured and visualized at Candid to assess nonprofit readiness, convey nonprofit effectiveness and inform nonprofit capacity building tools and resources. 
  • Discuss the perceptions, barriers, and experiences of nonprofit founders, leaders, and board of directors that challenge nonprofit growth and present opportunities for grantmakers to partner and invest in nonprofit capacity building to improve effectiveness, data sharing, and outcomes.  
Date & Time: 
Thursday, June 4, 2020 -
1:45pm to 3:00pm EDT
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