A New Vision for Comprehensive Capacity Building

Do the nonprofits you support have what they need to thrive and produce results? The nonprofit sector has consistently struggled with retaining strong staff, fundraising effectively, and achieving long-term sustainability. Now more than ever, funders need to ensure that nonprofits are strong enough to provide sustainable support to our most vulnerable communities. 

We know that grantmakers can bolster nonprofit effectiveness and results by supporting capacity-building initiatives, thus ensuring grantees have what they need to deliver on their missions over the long haul. This dynamic and comprehensive workshop will tackle the essential questions that drive the design of effective capacity building support. Developed with information and insights gathered over many years of working with grantmakers on this topic, this session takes participants on a deep dive into understanding of what matters most when it comes to building a successful capacity building program.

Supporting capacity building is one of the most important things grantmakers can do to accelerate and broaden our impact on grantees and communities. Join us for this a highly interactive workshop to learn what it truly it takes create a capacity-building program that supports nonprofit success. 

Learning Objectives

  • Benefits of contextual, continuous, and collective capacity support
  • Examples of capacity building work underway in your region
  • Peer sharing about successes and challenges
  • How to learn from and continually improve capacity building support


Date & Time: 
Thursday, June 4, 2020 -
9:00am to 10:15am EDT
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