Code of Conduct

Indiana Philanthropy Alliance is composed of a broad and diverse membership of grantmakers. At our core, we are a community of grantmakers connecting with each other to improve the practice of grantmaking in Indiana.

At our meetings and events, we also welcome visitors from other organizations—which are not members—that participate as presenters or participants. IPA strives to create a comfortable place for all members, visitors, and others engaged in philanthropy to exchange experiences and ideas and engage in conversations that are welcoming and of benefit to all participants. As such, IPA is not a venue for grant seekers, fundraisers, or other types of charitable solicitations during any of its meetings, events, or through its publications nor is it an appropriate venue to conduct political activities. We ask that our members and visitors not solicit at IPA-sponsored events or programs and that members and visitors not use information obtained through their IPA membership or participation in IPA events for charitable, business, or other solicitations outside of those events.